No other presidential appointment generated as much controversy as that of former White House Chief Strategist and Special Counselor to the President, Steve Bannon. Although much has been written and said about his involvement with Breitbart News, the ‘alt-right’ news, opinion and commentary website, not as much is known about his early career. As The Daily Parodian has uncovered, his personal and professional relationship with Dr. Benton C. Quest and work with Intelligence One helped shape the man many are calling the real power behind the Trump presidency.

Prior to joining the Trump Administration, Steve ‘Race’ Bannon was a special agent, bodyguard, and pilot from Intelligence One. After Dr. Quest’s wife died, the government hired Bannon to protect Dr. Quest’s son, Jonny. Governmental fears that Jonny could “fall into the wrong hands” resulted in Bannon’s assignment to guard and tutor Jonny.
Bannon was born in Wilmette, Illinois, to John and Sarah Bannon. He is an expert in fire-arms and judo, having a third-degree black belt as well as the ability to defeat noted experts in various martial arts, including sumo wrestlers.

In his time at Intelligence One, Bannon was known for his charming wit, stylish hair, and button-flap red shirt. Race Bannon was not only the bodyguard for Jonny, but also served as tutor and care-giver. In that role, Bannon was also responsible for the care of Jonny’s adopted brother, Hadji Raheed Singh, a streetwise 11-year-old Kolkata orphan and Bandit, Jonny’s adventure-loving, bulldog pup.
After damaging rumors of an inappropriate relationship with Bannon surfaced during the 2016 campaign, Dr. Benton Quest disappeared and was never heard from again. Jonny Quest is currently lead scientist with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Hadji Singh was deported to his native India after being reported to Homeland Security officials by Race Bannon. Bandit was euthanized on November 8, 2016.
The surname Bannon is Irish (from ‘O’Banain’) meaning “white”.